Thursday, February 25, 2016

You Can Fly a Jet Plane

G'day, my friends. In keeping with the theme of my blogging, I wanted to do a bit more reflection on how I got to where I am today, in my pilot journey. With my Instrument Rating Checkride forthcoming, on 3/11, it's important for me to look back at my past, and really appreciate the "little things" that inspired me to want to fly in the first place.

Enter one book, You Can Fly a Jet Plane, by Carolyn Bracken. Published in 1983, this cardboard-cutout book features not only an inspiring tale about your potential as an aviator, but also a yoke so that you may "fly along."

I have many a good memory about reading this book, as a child. It was often my bedtime story of choice (along with a few other aviation related texts, to be highlighted later on.) I remember holding that "yoke," as mom and I would read along as we "flew." I felt as if I was really flying, such a neat sensation for a kid.

It goes without saying that this book served an integral role in me choosing the path of an aviator. I often wonder how many others were inspired to do the same. Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

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