Friday, February 19, 2016

Weather Can't Keep Me Down

Hello once again, friends and colleagues. Well, it is safe to say that WNY winter is finally upon us. This past week has shown that mother nature was indeed still a threat. Needless to say, I have not had a chance to fly at all since my last trek with Patrick. So, what is a pilot to do when he can't fly? He does the next best thing, flight sims!

I have Microsoft Flight Simulator X installed, and have set-up a make-shift Cessna simulator @ home. "FSX" proves to be a valuable tool for practicing IFR maneuvers and approaches. Over the past week and a half, I have "shot" some local approaches in the SIM, such as the ILS 28 into KGVQ (Batavia), VOR-A into D38 (Canandaigua), just to name a few. This is great practice and helps me stay sharp on my cockpit flow, especially with my upcoming checkride on 3/11.

VOR-A into D38

Summary of ILS 28 Approach into KGVQ

I am hoping that the weather will clear up shortly, as I have a flight planned with my buddy Robert on Sunday. Regardless, spring is right around the corner, and I know opportunities to fly will be plentiful then. Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

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