About Me

What else can I say? Aviation is my passion. My name is Austin Hancock. I am a 25 year old aviation entrepreneur, with a B.S. in Marketing & Museum Studies (St. John Fisher College.) I am also training to earn my Instrument, Commercial, Flight Instructor, Aerobatic, and Warbird Flight Certifications.

My career goals are as follows...

- Operate my own Aviation Business (Flight-School, Warbird Museum, Airshow Performance.)
- Fly as a Corporate/Private Jet Pilot.
- Fly as a Organ Transplant/Med-Evac Pilot.
- Serve as a Warplane Museum Curator/Director/Marketing Specialist.
- Fly WWII aircraft for museums and airshows.

I plan on constructing and operating my own small aviation business, doing the following...

- Serve as a Certified Flight Instructor, specializing in tailwheel and classic (WWII) aircraft training.
- Operate my (future) hangar home as a small museum/inspiration centre, with a Yak-3 or P-51, T-6, and L-4.
- Perform airshow routines with said Yak-3.
- Hold/host small aviation gatherings.
- Warbird flight chartering and rides (FREE for WWII Vets.)
- Aircraft maintenance and new/reproduction aircraft part machining.
- Hangar home B&B.

I am a proud member and volunteer of the National Warplane Museum, in Geneseo, New York. I have been a part of the museum my whole life, as my father began volunteering before my birth. I owe everything, my current status and outlook, to the great people of this Geneseo museum.

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