Thursday, January 28, 2016

Let's Do This

Today is my Birthday, and regardless of what gifts I may receive from friends and family, I already received the best present a pilot-in-training could ask for. That's right, yesterday, I received my endorsement to take my FAA Instrument Rating Check-ride! I am excited beyond belief, so much in fact, that I really kind of am forgetting it's the day of my birth! 

From here, I continue to study and use my Flight-Simulator X program at home. The weather has finally agreed NOT to agree, and is acting more like the typical WNY winter. So, as I await a return call from the Designated Pilot Examiner, to set up a date for my checkride, I continue to hone my skills.

Stay tuned, my friends, for the latest on my pilot journey! As always, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

Total Flight Time (As of 1/28) = 186 Hrs
Total Flight Time to Commercial License = 64 Hrs

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