Saturday, January 9, 2016


Hello, once again, my friends.

Yesterday, I was able to get up with my flight instructor, and make up for the flight I missed due to the battery issue on Thursday. I am "honing" my skills for my upcoming Instrument Rating Checkride. Our agenda yesterday included...
  • Holding Pattern @ Geneseo VOR (GEE) - This went smoothly, and required a teardrop-type entry to hold on the 200 Radial. After making one racetrack circuit over the VOR, we proceeded straight into the VOR-A non-precision instrument approach into Canandaigua Airport (D38.)
  • After executing a missed-approach @ D38, we proceeded back inbound to KROC to make an RNAV approach (non-precision, LNAV-only.) From here, we also went "missed."

  • Finally, from the missed-approach on the RNAV, we lined-up for an ILS approach to runway 22, a precision-approach, which terminated in a full-stop.

Overall, the "mission" went very well. I felt much more confident this time, as opposed to my last session in the SIM. The multitasking seemed to be better for me, perhaps my visualization practice and GPS simulators are helping? Anyhow, here's a list of items that I plan to address before the next (of not too many more) lesson...
  • Consistent Altitude @ Straight & Level Flight- When instrument flying yesterday, I somehow JUST discovered what has been plaguing me ever since my PPL training. It turns out, I always balloon up or down in altitude because I am "chasing" the VSI (Vertical Speed Indicator.) This displays a trend of altitude change, as opposed to the Altimeter which is not as sensitive. Turns out, every time I have been seeing a change on the VSI, I have been over-reacting/controlling. Something to work on for next time!
  • I had a brain-lapse yesterday and confused MDA (Minimum Descent Altitude) and DH (Decision Height.) Between precision and non-precision approaches, the two are very different. I need to re-study and focus on these for next time. 

Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up!"

1/8 Flight Time Logged = 1.2 Hrs
Total Flight Time = 184.8 Hrs
Total Flight Time to Commercial License = 65.2Hrs

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