Thursday, July 28, 2016

Plane Song

     G'day folks! By the time you see this post, it's most likely Friday (TGIF!) Just wanted to pop-on to give a couple updates on my, our pilot journey (as it's only been possible with your emotional support along the way!) So, a few quick notes!

     Just prior to airshow, I was invited to join up with the Collings Foundation this summer for a few "tours of duty." The CF operates a superb fleet of WWII birds, including the B-17/B-24/P-51/B-25 of the "Wings of Freedom" tour. This goes from coast-to-coast, almost year-round. I am jumping at this chance, so stay tuned for updates! The opportunities it will bring to me will be huge.

     As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm "hitting the books" heavily for the Commercial Pilot written exam. My usual "cockpit view" is as follows, thanks to Wegmans' exquisite coffee and free WiFi...

It's all good

      I have nearly completed the 1st half of Gleim's online CPL course, I'd like to have it all done by next week, and then take the written exam within ~2 weeks.

      Lastly, I wanted to reflect a bit on another "relic from the past," which led me to the path I'm on today. As a toddler/young lad, my mother and I used to check-out a book titled Plane Song, from our local Avon Public Library. Written by Diane Siebert, Illustrated by Vincent Nassa, this book was a favorite of mine. It truly evokes the spirit of wonder, excitement, that is aviation. This past Christmas, I finally received my own copy of Plane Song, from my dear mum. The book is, undeniably, one of the main reasons I am a pilot today.


"Always," wonder why I love the A-26?

     A highlight of my past week included giving a tour of the B-17 to an interested-potential young volunteer and his father. I caught myself sitting in the cockpit, and found even more inspiration to keep on pushing. Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."


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