Monday, July 25, 2016

Commercial/Flight Instructor Training: Flight #1

      Hey gang! Happy new-week to you all. Hope Monday was "easy" on you. This past weekend, I really focused hard on the beginnings of my Commercial & Flight Instructor training. 

      I started by "hitting the books," preparing for the Commercial Written Exam. For this, I am using ASA's "Prepware" App, along with Gleim's online ground school course. As of today, I have the 1st 4 chapters complete.

      On Friday, I met with my CFI (Scott B.) to formulate the "action plan" for my training. We decided that it makes sense to tackle both the Commercial & CFI (Flight Instructor) at the same time. There are no additional flight-time requirements for a CFI, just a couple really tough written, oral, and flight tests. Our plan is to essentially "split" each training session into 50% Commercial, and 50% CFI work. I was (and still am) very agreeable to this plan!

      This past Sunday, Scott and I began on my Comm/CFI flight training. We knocked-out the 1st of 3 cross-country flights (100 NM length, 2 Hrs duration), by flying to Griffiss International Airport (KRME.) The flight went smoothly, even though I was a but nervous to be starting a new training endeavour. For me, when I get nervous, I tend to rush. This leads to little mistakes. So, my solution? Breathe. I just have to remember this from now on. In fact, I am adding it to my personal/custom checklist!

Our "steed" for the day, N998RA

7/24/16 Flight Summary: KROC>>>KRME

      Once we arrived @ KRME, we stopped at the beautiful FBO, there. Million Air, a 1st class Fixed-Base Operator, provided us with fuel, refreshments, and a free rental car. We took the car into town (passing the ultra-cool B-52 on display while en-route), and drove-thru McD's to grab lunch. What fun! :-) You may be wondering, why is a B-52 on display at KRME? Well, the airport used to be an Air Force Base, Griffiss AFB to be exact. From here, the mighty B-52 flew for many years, along with other unique aircraft (like the SR-71 Blackbird!) The base was retired from service in 1995, and since then, it has served as a General Aviation airport. Since the huge 11,821' runway still remains, KRME is a hub for airline companies to get there planes serviced & re-painted (such as the monster 747.)

The B-52 @ KRME

      Scott and I ate our lunch, and then bid farewell to the friendly Million Air crew. As we walked out to the plane, Scott informed me that I would be CFI on the way home, flying from the right seat! I was psyched. As we "mounted" up, I began to get a feel for what it's like to control the plane "wrong-handed." It took a little getting used to, and as per usual, I began to "rush" in my uncomfortable position. Yet, as I throttled up and took-off, I began to really get comfortable in my new throne. From here, the flight back to KROC went great!

7/24/16 Flight Summary: KROC>>>KRME

      As we neared KROC, I began to think about the landing. This was somthing I had always wondered about, "what is it like to land from the right seat?" It's not something I've been anxious about, just curious. Well, apparently it's no different, because I nailed the landing! I was very happy, tho it may have just been beginner's luck. ;-) We shall see! Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

7/24 Flight Time Logged = 2.6 Hrs
Total Flight Time = 239.7
Total Flight Time to Commercial License = 10.3 Hrs


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