Friday, July 15, 2016

Instrument Rated

Happy Friday, folks! It's with great pleasure and excitement that I announce, as of today @ 10:00am, I am a qualified Instrument pilot! That's right, this morning, I passed my FAA Instrument Rating Checkride.

I want personally thank each and every one of you for your support and help along the way. This would not have been possible without your assistance! Special thanks to Chris H., Robert J., Naomi W., Patrick C., and John P. for your "safety pilot" services. Also, thank you to Isabel, Shawn, Scott, and Ken at the RAC for your awesome services and guidance along this journey. On to Commercial Pilot training!

Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

7/15 Flight Time Logged = 1.1 Hrs
Total Flight Time = 235.1
Total Flight Time to Commercial License = 14.9 Hrs

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