Sunday, August 7, 2016

Early-August Pilot Journey Update

      Happy Weekend-end, all! Hope that each of you has found success in your individual endeavours this week, whatever they may be. It is my hope that this blog inspires each and every one of you to pursue your dreams and goals. This past week has been most eventful, and successful, for this little pilot journey of mine.

      For starters, I comtinued to "push on" through the Gleim Commercial Pilot ground school course. I have progressed to the final stage-tests, which overview everything I've studied thus far. As for physical flying, lots got done as well.

"A good pilot is always learning."

Wednesday 8/3/16

      I had the privilege of flying the Air Center's Cessna 172M, N998RA, down to Jamestown Aiport (KJHW) for scheduled radio maintenance. After work, on Wednesday, I hopped up to KROC to pick-up 8RA and swung her down to KJHW. The flight was beautiful! Smooth, and scenic the whole time. I made it in ~1 hour, averaging ~108 KTS.

8/3/16 Flight Summary: KROC>>>KJHW
1.) Depart KROC
2.) Arrive KJHW

Just plane beautiful...

Yours truly!

Nice company @ KJHW, a Gulfstream...

      So, with me now in Jamestown with no airplane to fly back, how was I to get home? Well, luckily (unlike most things in aviation), we had a plan in place! Isabel, Charlie H., and myself had pre-arranged for Charlie to pick me up @ KJHW in our Center's Piper PA-34-200T Seneca. Needless to say, I was most excited to get some more multi-engine time. Charlie took-off shortly after me, from KROC, and arrived in KJHW ~5 mins after me. Not bad!

      After a quick restroom-break and chat with the FBO crew, Charlie and I were off, back to KROC.

Lots more knobs and switches than I'm used to, for now...

We're just getting started...

      I was very observant of Charlie as he started the Seneca, and I continued this "hawking" throughout the flight. For me, this is "free" training, seeing how it's all done. One of the 1st things I noticed was how the Seneca climbs like a bat outta, well...ya know... ;-) With 2 O-360 engines, which are both turbocharged, this should come as no surprise. Furthermore, I noticed just how critical power/prop control are in complex airplanes. Finding the right "mix" is key to efficient flight. Most manufacturers list these figures in the Pilot's Operating Handbook, so studying/memorizing them is key. The flight back was great! We really hauled, and made it back in ~1/2 hour. 

8/3/16 Flight Summary: KJHW>>>KROC
1.) Depart KJHW
2.) Arrive KROC

The sun-sets upon our beautiful Seneca, what a ride! Thanks again, Charlie and Isabel!

The look that only a "twin" can evoke...

Sunday 8/7/16

      It's been a while since I last flew the L-16, not since before airshow (if you can believe it!) Partially, this has been due to my pre-occupation with finishing my IFR/starting my Commercial/CFI training. Also, which is great, the L-16 has been a "hot ticket item" for the museum's ride program. It has been equally as busy as I have, giving rides to museum visitors. Today, though, I was able to get back-up in the Grasshopper, with my good buddy Robert N. (with whom I've had many great L-16 flights!)

      We had initially planned to fly to Dansville (KDSV) for some McDonald's. Yet, I decided that given the circumstances, I should remain local instead, and get myself "re-current" with takeoffs/landings. For me own personal-minimums, I like to fly an airplane-type every month. If I go beyond the month, I consider my un-proficient. The FAA says that 90-days will suffice, but I like to be a bit ahead on that, at least in the Tail-Wheeled-L-16. So, all that said, we stayed "in the pattern" for takeoff/landing practice. We flew for ~35 mins, doing 3 great landings (I was surprised and very happy.)

8/7/16 Flight Summary: D52>>>LOC
***Takeoffs/Full-Stop Landings, Right-Traffic RWY 23***

      After landing, Rob, fellow museum'er "Ducky," and I re-fueled and cleaned the L-16. We then went to the "clubhouse" and shot the breeze for a couple hours. Good times!

All fueled, wiped. and "tucked-in" from another successful sortie...

For this week, I plan to focus on the following items pertaining to my pilot journey...
  • 1.) Finish Gleim Online Commercial Pilot ground school.
  • 2.) Plan long cross-country flight/night cross country flight.
  • 3.) Patiently await the return of the Air Center's Piper PA-28-200R Arrow.
  • 4.) Begin to flight-sim Piper PA-28-200R.

Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

8/3-8/7 Flight Time Logged = 2.9 Hrs
Total Flight Time = 242.6 Hrs
Total Flight Time to Commercial License = 7.4 Hrs