Sunday, October 2, 2016

Early-October Flight Journey Update

Hello all you awesome people!

Hope you've had a great weekend, and that the crisp smells of fall are keeping you motivated. This past week, I made more progress towards becoming a commercial/professional pilot. Here's what I got done...

Saturday 10/1: Took the FAA Commercial Pilot Written Examination, and succeeded! Practice paid off, a lesson well learned from my "trials and tribulations" on the Instrument Written(s.) This test was a lot of info at once (100 questions worth), but went by surprisingly quick. I felt good about it.

Sunday 10/2: I flew the RAC's Piper PA28-200R today, for the first time! My CFI Scott and I took a quick "orientation" flight today, before the rain/thunder came thru. We spent a good long while in the cockpit before start-up, reviewing the nuances of the Arrow (compared to the Cessnas/L-16 I am used to.) Here is a video that explains how the Arrow really is a "complex" airplane, essentials for a professional pilot to understand advanced systems...

In addition to the above video, see this one about how the constant-speed propeller operates...

Overall, the lesson went well. I got a bit "frazzled" at times, because I was learning a new airplane, and trying to communicate at the same time. I know it will become "mainstream" soon enough, especially once I master my cockpit "flows" (checklists in action...)

I'm already practicing/visualizing my "flows" at home! Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

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