Tuesday, December 27, 2016

12/27 - CPL Training Update

Merry Post-Christmas/Happy Holidays to y'all! Hope that you each had, and/or and having a wonderful time celebrating with family and friends (however you may be doing it.) This Christmas, I got everything I could hope for, and more. The best part? It wasn't even a physical item on my "wish-list" that I received that has made me feel satisfied...

Friday 12/23:

This past Friday, I had yet another lesson to practice Commercial Pilot Maneuvers. I went up with Mike K., who was free that day, and we did a couple procedures that I felt needed "honing." 

12/23/16: Commercial Pilot Lesson Summary
1.) Depart KROC (Soft-Field Takeoff)
2.) Arrive Canadaigua (D38)
3.) Return KROC (Short-Field Landing)

12/23/16: Commercial Pilot Lesson Summary
1.) Arrive D38 (Steep-Spiral to Power-Off 180 Landing)
2.) Soft-Field Takeoffs and Power-Off 180s

Overall, the lesson went smoothly. We focused on the areas that I still need work on, namely the steep-spiral, power-off 180, and performance takeoffs. My soft-field takeoff out of KROC was very good, much like in my previous lesson. I just have to remember to keep the landing-gear down until I am past the usable runway (every pilot has a differing opinion on this, but this is how I've been taught. I won't deny, it looks cool to pull gear-up on a P-51 right off the deck! ;-)

When we arrived @ D38, I was at 5000' and initiated my steep-spiral. Mike combined this with my power-off 180 landing. I did good on the spiral, but when it came to the 180 for landing, I dumped the gear in too early (again!) I keep forgetting just how much heavier the gear-down configuration makes the Arrow (as if it wasn't a heavy enough aircraft on the controls.) Minus this, which threw-off my approach entirely, I did pretty solid. I just need a bit more practice! We did a few more soft-field takeoffs, followed by power-off 180s. I got a little better each time. Back @ KROC, we make a short-field landing, and I got it (finally!)

After my lesson, I got to take my Grandma D. Parker on her 1st plane ride with me! I have flown my Dad, Mom, Brother, and Grandfather, so it was only a matter of time before G'Ma followed suit. Grandma "D" has been through a lot in the last year, and she has prevailed in face of it all. She is a model of strength, and has always been a beacon for me to look up to. I love her so much! The flight went very well, and we had a smooth one to boot. Fun was had by all, even "selfies" happened!

12/23/16: Grandma Flight Summary
1.) Depart KROC
2.) Circle over Conesus Lake/Geneseo
3.) Return KROC

Yup, she loved it...

...as did I!

Back home, safe and sound!

After a bit of sightseeing, we soon returned to Rochester. Grandma was all smiles, as was yours truly. What a great opportunity! I am forever thankful for the chance to do this. Until next time, G'ma?! :-)

This week, I am focusing on pulling things together for the Commercial Pilot Checkride. I'm organizing a handbook/flight manual for the event, so that I have everything I need for the flight/test in one place. 

On Friday, I am hosting a (what I hope will become routine) small aviator meetup. We'll be meeting Friday @ the Rochester Air Center (6pm.) There will be coffee, and talk about all things airplanes and flying! I plan on talking a bit about my Yak/P-51 plans, my buddy Nate plans to talk a bit about his Nieuport project, and other buddy Ruben will talk about his airline work! We hope to see you there (Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/938820419551871/)

Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

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