Tuesday, December 20, 2016

12/21 - CPL Training Update

Hello Folks!

It's almost Christmas Day, and I wish all the best to you and yours during whichever holiday(s) you may be celebrating. In terms of X-Mas gifts, I hope you each get something that is truly meaningful, even if it's something not on your list. Those gifts are often the best kind. For me this year, besides the Yak-3UA, the hot-ticket item is my Commercial Pilot's License. As you've been informed, I'm chipping away at making this a very-real possibility. 

This past week, here in WNY, we've seen some nasty weather. However, there have been a couple nicer days sprinkled in between. I have been lucky enough to have had the ability to take advantage of these nice days. 

Friday 12/16:

On Thursday, the 15th, we received bone-chilling weather, mixed with inches of lake-effect snow. This made for an...interesting...flight on Friday. The Arrow had weathered the storm outside, and was buried under a few inches of the "white stuff." Furthermore, she was surrounded by snow and ice as well. Seeing as how Friday's weather was perfect for flying, I was determined to get up there. Thanks to my good friends at the air center, this became possible. Nate helped me dig-out and push the Arrow into the hangar to "warm-up." After this, we waited for a bit, and once the Arrow was back up-to-temp, Sarah (my instructor) helped me push it back out. All 3 of us make quite a team, thanks again gang! 

We're nothing if not dedicated!

After all that, the "hard-part" was over for the day. The flying actually went quite smoothly for me. Sarah had me practice some CPL maneuvers, as we had planned. Overall, I was a lot smoother and calmer. I think I'm finally getting the hang of this commercial-pilot stuff! We started with a soft-field takeoff. I have struggled with these, up to now. On Friday, I was able to execute one aptly! 

12/16/16: Commercial Pilot Lesson Flight Summary
1.) Depart KROC: Soft-Field Takeoff
2.) Maneuvers over Canandaigua
3.) Return to KROC for Landings

12/16/16: Commercial Pilot Lesson Flight Summary
1.) Lazy-8s
2.) Steep-Spiral

12/16/16: Commercial Pilot Lesson Flight Summary
1.) 8s-on-Pylons

12/16/16: Commercial Pilot Lesson Flight Summary
1.) Arrive KROC: Soft-Field Landing (Touch & Go)
2.) Short-Field Landing to Full-Stop

The Lazy-8s are becoming a lot more, well, Lazy. They 'ought to be! As I mentioned in my last post, I was forcing them too much at first. Now, I am slowing down the whole maneuver, and it seems to be working. The key is to imagine the Lazy-8 as a roller-coaster ride. Use momentum, and get a feel for the airplane! During the lesson, Sarah and I also did a steep-spiral (simulated emergency landing) and 8s-on-Pylons. Both went well! Again, as with anything in life, confidence can be found in repetition and mindfulness...aka...slowing oneself down and focusing.

As we flew back into KROC, I asked tower if I go do a touch-and-go before making a full-stop landing. They obliged, so 1st I made a soft-field landing which was actually smooth (for once!), followed by a short-field landing to full stop (which was actually "on-point!) Again, I am really feeling more confident on all of this commercial pilot "stuff." This is due to the great instructors and support staff at the air center, as well as all of you! Thank you.

Another good flight in the books

Saturday-Sunday 12/17-18:

On Saturday and Sunday, I met with fellow CPL candidate Paul C. @ the air center to cover oral-exam ground materials. We tooks turns quizzing each-other, and it was most helpful! We covered everything from flight planning, to weather, to aircraft systems. We are both feeling well-prepared now. Paul has his checkride shortly, here. He will do great, good luck buddy!

Tuesday 12/20:

Tuesday, I met with Sarah with the intent of flying the Arrow to "hone" my commercial maneuvers a tad more. Sadly, we were kept on the ground. We did, however get to talk through the maneuvers that I am still "working on." I found this most helpful. Also, I got to do some more practice with Paul, always a good thing to be well-prepared. Once the Arrow is out of maintenance, we will get up again real soon. I am planning to go up this Friday, so stay tuned!

Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

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