Sunday, December 11, 2016

12/11 - CPL...Waiting...Update

Hello Friends, Fam, & Followers!

Can you believe we are a mere couple of weeks away from Christmas? My, the time sure does "fly," when you're having fun (or at least busy.) I come to you this evening bearing an early holiday gift, a quick update! I will be honest, this past week, not much flying took place for me given the weather. However, it was still a very productive week for my Commercial Pilot training as a whole.

Friday 12/9:

I was finally able to finish the display case for my future hangar-home-museum model! To clarify, my goal is to eventually start my own non-profit museum, "Final Victory Warbirds." It will operate a P-51 (in honor of Local MIA Tuskegee Leland Pennington), Yak-1 (in honor of Lilya Litvyak), and L-4 (to be used for flight training underprivileged children/teens.) This is my hangar plan, tho it may turn out smaller...

Saturday 12/10:

On Saturday, I had planned to fly with Sarah in the AM. We were going to practice my commercial maneuvers. However, the Arrow was located in Canandaigua for routine maintenance, and needed to be flown up to KROC 1st. So, I volunteered to do so! After waiting (hours) for lake-effect snow squalls, I was able to sneak the Arrow up to Rochester. 

The waiting is the hardest part...

I could see snow falling off to my left and right, but KROC was dead-ahead. This was a real "test" for me, as a commercial pilot candidate. I had really used my judgement and precautions before flying, and despite the conditions being what they were, I still feel that I made the right choice to "go." If I had gotten "into trouble," my Instrument Rating would have come to good use. But, I am safe and sound, and the flight went great!

CPL Training Flight Summary: 12/10/16
1.) Depart Canandaigua (D38)
2.) Arrive Rochester (KROC)

By the time I taxied back to the Air Centre and post-flighted, the conditions had begun to deteriorate. Sarah and I had decided to cancel, and we'll hopefully get up this week. The important take away here is, I got to fly! That's better than nuttin'.

Safe 'n Sound

Sunday 12/11:

Sunday's are my day to QB at the Air Centre. This AM, the weather was actually decent enough for flying. A bright spot from today was the 1st Solo of Michael's student Stephen G! Congrats, Stephen! Well done...

Add another name to the list!

By the time came for me to fly with Michael, the conditions were too poor to go up and practice. I instead stayed on the ground, and prepped for the oral-portion of the Commercial Pilot Checkride. I am currently studying the FAR/AIM (Federal Aviation Regs/Airman Info Manual), and marking the sections that will apply to my test. Also, I am making a customs checklist for my commercial maneuvers in the Arrow, to supplement the manufacturer's checklist that I use. This will make every go smoothly on the checkride itself!

Well, that's all I got for now. Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

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