Tuesday, December 27, 2016

12/27 - CPL Training Update

Merry Post-Christmas/Happy Holidays to y'all! Hope that you each had, and/or and having a wonderful time celebrating with family and friends (however you may be doing it.) This Christmas, I got everything I could hope for, and more. The best part? It wasn't even a physical item on my "wish-list" that I received that has made me feel satisfied...

Friday 12/23:

This past Friday, I had yet another lesson to practice Commercial Pilot Maneuvers. I went up with Mike K., who was free that day, and we did a couple procedures that I felt needed "honing." 

12/23/16: Commercial Pilot Lesson Summary
1.) Depart KROC (Soft-Field Takeoff)
2.) Arrive Canadaigua (D38)
3.) Return KROC (Short-Field Landing)

12/23/16: Commercial Pilot Lesson Summary
1.) Arrive D38 (Steep-Spiral to Power-Off 180 Landing)
2.) Soft-Field Takeoffs and Power-Off 180s

Overall, the lesson went smoothly. We focused on the areas that I still need work on, namely the steep-spiral, power-off 180, and performance takeoffs. My soft-field takeoff out of KROC was very good, much like in my previous lesson. I just have to remember to keep the landing-gear down until I am past the usable runway (every pilot has a differing opinion on this, but this is how I've been taught. I won't deny, it looks cool to pull gear-up on a P-51 right off the deck! ;-)

When we arrived @ D38, I was at 5000' and initiated my steep-spiral. Mike combined this with my power-off 180 landing. I did good on the spiral, but when it came to the 180 for landing, I dumped the gear in too early (again!) I keep forgetting just how much heavier the gear-down configuration makes the Arrow (as if it wasn't a heavy enough aircraft on the controls.) Minus this, which threw-off my approach entirely, I did pretty solid. I just need a bit more practice! We did a few more soft-field takeoffs, followed by power-off 180s. I got a little better each time. Back @ KROC, we make a short-field landing, and I got it (finally!)

After my lesson, I got to take my Grandma D. Parker on her 1st plane ride with me! I have flown my Dad, Mom, Brother, and Grandfather, so it was only a matter of time before G'Ma followed suit. Grandma "D" has been through a lot in the last year, and she has prevailed in face of it all. She is a model of strength, and has always been a beacon for me to look up to. I love her so much! The flight went very well, and we had a smooth one to boot. Fun was had by all, even "selfies" happened!

12/23/16: Grandma Flight Summary
1.) Depart KROC
2.) Circle over Conesus Lake/Geneseo
3.) Return KROC

Yup, she loved it...

...as did I!

Back home, safe and sound!

After a bit of sightseeing, we soon returned to Rochester. Grandma was all smiles, as was yours truly. What a great opportunity! I am forever thankful for the chance to do this. Until next time, G'ma?! :-)

This week, I am focusing on pulling things together for the Commercial Pilot Checkride. I'm organizing a handbook/flight manual for the event, so that I have everything I need for the flight/test in one place. 

On Friday, I am hosting a (what I hope will become routine) small aviator meetup. We'll be meeting Friday @ the Rochester Air Center (6pm.) There will be coffee, and talk about all things airplanes and flying! I plan on talking a bit about my Yak/P-51 plans, my buddy Nate plans to talk a bit about his Nieuport project, and other buddy Ruben will talk about his airline work! We hope to see you there (Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/938820419551871/)

Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

12/21 - CPL Training Update

Hello Folks!

It's almost Christmas Day, and I wish all the best to you and yours during whichever holiday(s) you may be celebrating. In terms of X-Mas gifts, I hope you each get something that is truly meaningful, even if it's something not on your list. Those gifts are often the best kind. For me this year, besides the Yak-3UA, the hot-ticket item is my Commercial Pilot's License. As you've been informed, I'm chipping away at making this a very-real possibility. 

This past week, here in WNY, we've seen some nasty weather. However, there have been a couple nicer days sprinkled in between. I have been lucky enough to have had the ability to take advantage of these nice days. 

Friday 12/16:

On Thursday, the 15th, we received bone-chilling weather, mixed with inches of lake-effect snow. This made for an...interesting...flight on Friday. The Arrow had weathered the storm outside, and was buried under a few inches of the "white stuff." Furthermore, she was surrounded by snow and ice as well. Seeing as how Friday's weather was perfect for flying, I was determined to get up there. Thanks to my good friends at the air center, this became possible. Nate helped me dig-out and push the Arrow into the hangar to "warm-up." After this, we waited for a bit, and once the Arrow was back up-to-temp, Sarah (my instructor) helped me push it back out. All 3 of us make quite a team, thanks again gang! 

We're nothing if not dedicated!

After all that, the "hard-part" was over for the day. The flying actually went quite smoothly for me. Sarah had me practice some CPL maneuvers, as we had planned. Overall, I was a lot smoother and calmer. I think I'm finally getting the hang of this commercial-pilot stuff! We started with a soft-field takeoff. I have struggled with these, up to now. On Friday, I was able to execute one aptly! 

12/16/16: Commercial Pilot Lesson Flight Summary
1.) Depart KROC: Soft-Field Takeoff
2.) Maneuvers over Canandaigua
3.) Return to KROC for Landings

12/16/16: Commercial Pilot Lesson Flight Summary
1.) Lazy-8s
2.) Steep-Spiral

12/16/16: Commercial Pilot Lesson Flight Summary
1.) 8s-on-Pylons

12/16/16: Commercial Pilot Lesson Flight Summary
1.) Arrive KROC: Soft-Field Landing (Touch & Go)
2.) Short-Field Landing to Full-Stop

The Lazy-8s are becoming a lot more, well, Lazy. They 'ought to be! As I mentioned in my last post, I was forcing them too much at first. Now, I am slowing down the whole maneuver, and it seems to be working. The key is to imagine the Lazy-8 as a roller-coaster ride. Use momentum, and get a feel for the airplane! During the lesson, Sarah and I also did a steep-spiral (simulated emergency landing) and 8s-on-Pylons. Both went well! Again, as with anything in life, confidence can be found in repetition and mindfulness...aka...slowing oneself down and focusing.

As we flew back into KROC, I asked tower if I go do a touch-and-go before making a full-stop landing. They obliged, so 1st I made a soft-field landing which was actually smooth (for once!), followed by a short-field landing to full stop (which was actually "on-point!) Again, I am really feeling more confident on all of this commercial pilot "stuff." This is due to the great instructors and support staff at the air center, as well as all of you! Thank you.

Another good flight in the books

Saturday-Sunday 12/17-18:

On Saturday and Sunday, I met with fellow CPL candidate Paul C. @ the air center to cover oral-exam ground materials. We tooks turns quizzing each-other, and it was most helpful! We covered everything from flight planning, to weather, to aircraft systems. We are both feeling well-prepared now. Paul has his checkride shortly, here. He will do great, good luck buddy!

Tuesday 12/20:

Tuesday, I met with Sarah with the intent of flying the Arrow to "hone" my commercial maneuvers a tad more. Sadly, we were kept on the ground. We did, however get to talk through the maneuvers that I am still "working on." I found this most helpful. Also, I got to do some more practice with Paul, always a good thing to be well-prepared. Once the Arrow is out of maintenance, we will get up again real soon. I am planning to go up this Friday, so stay tuned!

Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

Sunday, December 11, 2016

12/11 - CPL...Waiting...Update

Hello Friends, Fam, & Followers!

Can you believe we are a mere couple of weeks away from Christmas? My, the time sure does "fly," when you're having fun (or at least busy.) I come to you this evening bearing an early holiday gift, a quick update! I will be honest, this past week, not much flying took place for me given the weather. However, it was still a very productive week for my Commercial Pilot training as a whole.

Friday 12/9:

I was finally able to finish the display case for my future hangar-home-museum model! To clarify, my goal is to eventually start my own non-profit museum, "Final Victory Warbirds." It will operate a P-51 (in honor of Local MIA Tuskegee Leland Pennington), Yak-1 (in honor of Lilya Litvyak), and L-4 (to be used for flight training underprivileged children/teens.) This is my hangar plan, tho it may turn out smaller...

Saturday 12/10:

On Saturday, I had planned to fly with Sarah in the AM. We were going to practice my commercial maneuvers. However, the Arrow was located in Canandaigua for routine maintenance, and needed to be flown up to KROC 1st. So, I volunteered to do so! After waiting (hours) for lake-effect snow squalls, I was able to sneak the Arrow up to Rochester. 

The waiting is the hardest part...

I could see snow falling off to my left and right, but KROC was dead-ahead. This was a real "test" for me, as a commercial pilot candidate. I had really used my judgement and precautions before flying, and despite the conditions being what they were, I still feel that I made the right choice to "go." If I had gotten "into trouble," my Instrument Rating would have come to good use. But, I am safe and sound, and the flight went great!

CPL Training Flight Summary: 12/10/16
1.) Depart Canandaigua (D38)
2.) Arrive Rochester (KROC)

By the time I taxied back to the Air Centre and post-flighted, the conditions had begun to deteriorate. Sarah and I had decided to cancel, and we'll hopefully get up this week. The important take away here is, I got to fly! That's better than nuttin'.

Safe 'n Sound

Sunday 12/11:

Sunday's are my day to QB at the Air Centre. This AM, the weather was actually decent enough for flying. A bright spot from today was the 1st Solo of Michael's student Stephen G! Congrats, Stephen! Well done...

Add another name to the list!

By the time came for me to fly with Michael, the conditions were too poor to go up and practice. I instead stayed on the ground, and prepped for the oral-portion of the Commercial Pilot Checkride. I am currently studying the FAR/AIM (Federal Aviation Regs/Airman Info Manual), and marking the sections that will apply to my test. Also, I am making a customs checklist for my commercial maneuvers in the Arrow, to supplement the manufacturer's checklist that I use. This will make every go smoothly on the checkride itself!

Well, that's all I got for now. Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

Monday, December 5, 2016

12/4 - CPL Training Update

Hello Folks,

Happy December! The holiday season is now in full-swing, and this aviator is certainly feeling the cheer. Despite the crummy weather, this past week, I maintained my regimen of "chair flying" the Commercial Pilot maneuvers. My persistence paid off, today, as I was rewarded by mother nature with flying weather...

Sunday 12/4:

Today, I flew with RAC instructor, and good personal-friend, Mike K. A very experienced pilot, Michael knows the Commercial maneuvers quite well. He is a good role-model to have in the right seat, as a Commercial Pilot candidate. Today, we tried a little bit of everything...

In addition to the maneuvers, I got to meet up with my good buddy Pete C. @ D38. Pete had some spare B-17 model parts for me, so I could repair the "Fuddy Duddy" model I have (*future blog post alert*.) While waiting for me, he was able to snap some pics of our arrival and departure. Thanks again, Pete!

Thanks, Pete!

12/4/16: Arrival/Departute @ D38
1.) Power-Off 180 Landing (Go-Around)
2.) Power-Off 180 Landing (Land Full-Stop)
3.) Soft-Field Takeoff

"Here I am...(rock you like a hurricane?") - Pic, Pete Contario

Me after landing - Pic, Pete Contario

Pic, Pete Contario

Mike and I pulling-in. Pic, Pete Contario

And, off we go! Pic, Pete Contario

Now, back to the maneuvers...

Overall, I did pretty good. However, I really need to focus on slowing myself down. Also, I need to really be on-top of my altitude. I find that, when I get impatient on a maneuver, I tend to force/rush it. From there, my attention turns to the maneuver, and I lose sight of my altitude...thus ballooning. I have remedied this issue, before, and as I mentioned, it always appears after doing something new or unfamiliar in a lesson. So, the takeaway is, I just need more practice! This is also exactly what my pilot buddy Patrick C. said last week, as we did some Arrow "ground school."

12/4/16: CPL Flight Lesson Summary
1.) Depart KROC (Soft-Field Takeoff)
2.) Arrive D38 (Power-Off 180 Landings)
3.) CPL Maneuvers (Accelerated Stalls, Steep Turns, Lazy 8s)
4.) Arrive @ KROC (Short-Field Landing)

  • Soft-Field Takeoffs: Overall, I am finally getting a feel for doing soft-field takeoffs in the Arrow. It is much different that in the Cessna, because the Arrow is so nose-heavy. I am beginning to gain the ability to remain in ground-effect longer, without trying to "force" the Arrow off too soon. With a bit more practice, I will have this "down."
  • Power-Off 180 Landings: Michael had me do my 1st 180 landing @ D38 without any input/help from him. The result? I put down the gear too early (drag), and also added flaps too early (more drag.) I needed to add power to make the runway. That's not the intent for a power-off landing! So, the second time around, I followed Mike's wisdom, and waited on the gear/flaps. Boy, did that make the difference. I am now confident that I can fly right to the runway, without gear/flaps, until they are warranted with power-off flight characteristics. Why? Well, like I said, the Arrow likes to sink (nose-heavy.) At this point, when power is off, the gear and flaps are just supplements for slowing down (well, ya still kinda need gear for landing, ya know... ;-)
  • CPL Maneuvers: My steep turns went well, as did my accelerated stalls (once Mike grilled me on the correct recovery procedure!) My Lazy-8s, once again, showed that they need work. I was "forcing" the maneuver too much, thus making the Lazy-8s...Crazy-8s. Mike re-enforced that I just need to relax, and slow down while flying the 8s. At this point, I think the best thing I can do to improve is "chair fly" the maneuver, as slowww as possible. I will get this, somehow!
  • Short-Field Landing: For the first time, I nailed a short-field landing in the Arrow. I was so excited. I managed to find just the right power setting, and settled down right on the touchdown zone markings. I used aerodynamic braking to slow as soon as possible, to simulate short-field conditions. All went well, I just have to keep it up.
Thanks, once again, Mike, Pete, and Pat for your assistance! Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."