Monday, September 12, 2016

Pilot Journey Agenda

Once again, my friends, I say "hello!" I, as always, hope you're each doing great. This week will bring about some progress on my professional-pilot training journey, assuming all goes as planned. Here's what I've got "on the docket..."

Tuesday 9/13 = Long night cross-country flight for Commercial Pilot Exam Req's

Wednesday 9/14 = Long awaited return of the Air Centre's Piper PA28-200R "Arrow," which is needed to complete my Commercial Training (10 hours of complex aircraft flight-time req.) Props (literally!) to my good A&P buddy Nate, for getting this all done, and efficiently to boot! I likely won't fly Wednesday, but knowing "she'll" be ready then is enough to make me happy!

Excellent work, Nate!

Friday 9/15 = Solo long cross-country flight for Commercial Pilot Exam Req's (300 nautical mile total, longest leg = 250NM.) I am planning to go from Rochester>>>Corry>>>Coshocton>>>Beaver Falls>>>Rochester for the trip. In Coshocton, I hope to meet the legendary Vlado Lenoch, a hero-warbird pilot of mine. He will be there for an airshow this weekend. In Beaver Falls, I plan to visit Mr. Jack Roethlisberger, and his homebuilt/full-scale Spitfire. Stay tuned for updates!

Saturday 9/16 = I plan to take my Commercial Pilot Knowledge (Written) Exam. I feel ready for it, but will continue to study up until the day of!

Welp, that's all I've got for now. Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

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