Monday, September 5, 2016

Early-September Pilot Journey Update

Greetings, friends-family-followers...

      It has been a "minute" since my last entry, but I wanted to share the latest happenings in my pilot journey. I am still plugging away on my Commercial Pilot License, but have incurred some road-blocks as of late. First off, as mentioned before, I am awaiting the return of the flight school's Piper PA-28-200R "Arrow." It is a complex airplane (retractable landing gear/adjustable propeller), in which I need 10 hours of flight time to earn my CPL. The RAC Arrow is currently (still) down for an engine overhaul.

Look, she still flies!

      Also, something has "come up" at our school which has delayed my taking of the written/knowledge test for the CPL. I am ready to do it, but will have to wait. Luckily, I have had a generous friend offer me the opportunity to come stay in his hangar, and train with the local school out that way for my Commercial & Multi-Engine. I think this will be the way I go! However, all options remain open until things "cool off."

      Meanwhile, I had the honor of witnessing a fellow-aviator's 1st solo, yesterday! Katie J. has been working hard at the RAC to get to this point, and yesterday, it happened. Congrats, Katie!

Great job! Proud Instructor and Mama

       While watching the flawlessly-executed solo, I was reminded of the time my CFI decided that I was ready. Back in 2010, I was doing my training with John D. @ RAC. The "Chief" Instructor, John is an amazing man, who still instructs into his 80s (90s?) Anywho, the day came for me after a few-months long hiatus from flying. At the time, I was still in college, and flying toward my license between semesters. So, I had about 2 lessons under my belt since the end of my previous semester. After that 2nd lesson, John and I landed back at KROC. As we taxied back to the ramp, I was quite stunned to see John key the mic, and relay to ATC "We'd like to taxi back to the Air Centre to de-plane Instructor for student solo." "WHAT?!" I thought. I was so amped up, but I knew I was ready. Sure enough, I soloed that day. To the surprise of my parents (who wouldn't have made it up to KROC in time to see me anyhow), the 1st big obstacle was out of the way. What a day it was! I had never seen my family, and friends, so proud. The warplane museum crowd was excited, as well. They cut my shirt-tail in celebration (a ritual for student pilot 1st solos.)

      Today, I finally got back up into the wild-blue. My patience can only last for so long, so I "caved" when my buddy Robert asked me to go. ;-) We flew down to Dundee (Re-Dun) Airport, for the fly-in breakfast there. The place is really neat! It has a very narrow runway, but it's enough to get the job done. The highlight of the whole thing, why, the auto-pancake flipper (of course!)

How flippin' cool is that?!

      Rob and I had a great time, and saw some cool stuff along the way. All in all, it was a great day. Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

Today's flight summary

Our "steed" for the day, N998RA

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