Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Hey gang, hope you're doing great! A quick update for y'all. As a await the return of our flight school's Piper PA-28-200R "Arrow" from maintenance (to continue my Commercial Pilot Training), I have continued to prep for the written exam. As I mentioned earlier, I am using a mix of Gleim and ASA materials. So far, I am doing well. 

"C'mon home, baby!"

There are a few types of questions that I keep seeming to err. I am seeking advice on these from fellow aviators, and learning accordingly! Such items I plan to focus on are HSI/RMI readings (tho this may be somewhat obsolete), weather (fronts, lapse rate cloud formation), and just over attention to detail. It is easy to read a question too fast, and overlook an important word, critical to the correct answer.

So, I leave you with my Commercial Pilot "Study Jam Session," from earlier today! Metallica in the background always helps me focus...

Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

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