Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Yakety Yak

Hello y'all!

Hope your week has gotten of to a great start. I've been thinking lately about how my desire, to one day own a Yak fighter plane, may confuse some the you readers on here. Those of you who have recently followed my blog, or don't know my full-history, may not be aware as to why I am so "obsessed" with the Yak. Well, here goes!

"It" all started when I was a wee-toddler, and the setting (once again) was the National Warplane Museum. Some of the earliest Geneseo airshows that I attended, with my father, featured the Yak-11 "Czech Ride," flown by Dan McCue. For some reason, Dan's routine of dog-fighting aerobatics really reached-out and grabbed me. I was enthralled as the classic Russian music played over the PA system, and Dan put the Yak-11 through it's paces. For me, this is the 1st memory I have of seeing a WWII Fighter fly in-person, probably hence the reason it is my favorite. 

For years, my goal has been to one day be just just Dan McCue, and own a Yak-11 (or Yak-3UA) and fly it in airshows. " I want to use it as a "traveling museum," and demonstrate authentic WWII aerobactics. Furthermore, in conjunction with my Tuskegee P-51 "Lucy Gal" project, I wish the have my Yak fly painted as Lilya Litvyak's "Yellow 44." Dubbed the "White Rose of Stalingrad," Litvyak was the 1st female ace. She was sadly lost in combat, akin to Leland Pennington & "Lucy Gal." Together, I think these two "tribute" planes can be used as an effective subject for a museum and community-youth program. That's my plan(e)!

Litvyak's Yak "Yellow 44"

Lilya Litvyak

Back in 2009, I got to meet Dan McCue at our airshow, in Geneseo. I had e-mailed back-and-forth with him in the months leading up to the show, mentioning my plans/goals of becoming a pro pilot and someday Yak-owner. Our meeting was brief, but he was just awesome! He even introduced me to another fighter-pilot legend, Dale "Snort" Snodgrass. Since that day, my desire to own the Yak has only grown stronger. One day, soon, I will make it happen. When I do, it'll be thanks to the support of great folks like Dan, and all of you! Thank you...

Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."


  1. Wow. You're really coming along nicely with your ideas. This explains a bunch.

    1. Thanks, Don! Glad I've made sense of it all for you.
