Saturday, June 11, 2016

Plane, Simple Flying

Hello all! Hope you've been well. It's "been a minute" since my last post, but rest assured this is because I have kept busy with aviation-related matters. I have been flying the L-16 a lot in the last 2 weeks, and loving every minute of it. Flying the "Grasshopper" serves a dual-purpose for me. For one, it's a great way to build my Total Flight Time towards my Commercial Pilot License. Second, the L-16 serves as a great platform for maintaining tailwheel and warbird proficiency, for when I one day "slip into" the Yak-3UA, P-51, Corsair, P-40, et al.

Since my Erie adventure, I've flown the L-16 four times. On Memorial Day, I took my younger-brother David up for a quick hop around the pattern, to whet his pallet. He loved it! Two days later, I took another after-work (I love doing this) flight with fellow museum volunteer "Super" Dave. He gets the nickname because, well, he fixes just about anything. On this flight, we flew over both of our houses, in Avon and Honeoye Falls (respectively.)

GREAT pics, Super Dave! Thanks...

Fellow museum volunteer Donald H. even managed to chase us down!

Fast-forward another two-days, and again I found myself flying the L-16. This time, I took along willing volunteer Peter B. A private pilot himself, Peter is a great volunteer who has a strong passion for flight, and warbirds. It was an honor to help get him back into the cockpit, he hopes to get re-current shortly!

The next day (Saturday), I attended the annual Rochester WINGS seminar. This is an event held which offers workshops/lectures for anyone who is a pilot, or interested in aviation. They can be attended for FAA WINGS credit, which helps pilots maintain currency and proficiency. The seminar was very interesting and educational, plus, the company wasn't too shabby either...

The gorgeous Socata TBM

 The evening after WINGS, I took another IFR practice flight with my CFI buddy Mike B. All went smoothly, and tho I withhold the details of my Checkride date for my (and your) sanity, rest assured it is coming up soon!

IFR Practice Flight Summary (6/4/16)
1.) Mock-Holding Pattern @ GEE VOR
2.) Procedure Turn for VOR-A Approach into Leroy 5G0
3.) Missed-Approach into Leroy 5G0
4.) Return to GEE VOR for Missed-Approach Procedure Holding Pattern

IFR Practice Flight Summary (6/4/16)
4.) Missed Approach Holding Patterns @ GEE VOR
5.) DME Arc @ 5NM from GEE VOR

To top the last two awesome weeks of flying off, yesterday, I got to fly with our great museum worker Dawn S. She is a dedicated, kind, caring person who loves to fly. It was a fun time! I am glad she felt comfortable with me.

L-16 Flight Summary (6/10/16)
1.) Depart Geneseo D52
2.) Arrive Honeoye Falls, flyover Dawn's house
3.) Fly over close friend's house
4.) Return to Geneseo D52

Thanks again for the help, Dawn!

I closed out the week of flying by once-again polishing the L-16 with Lemon Pledge, this time focusing on the windscreen. Worked like a "Champ." ;-) Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

FAA Instrument Rating Checkride = Super Double-Secret Date
5/30-6/10 Flight Time Logged = 4.6 Hrs
Total Flight Time = 223.5 Hrs
Total Flight Time to Commercial License = 26.5 Hrs

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