Monday, June 27, 2016

Mid-June Flying Update

G'day, friends, family, and followers! What an exciting last week I have had, in terms of flying opportunities. I've been very fortunate, between having great weather and generous friends. The last few days have been great for my professional/warbird pilot journey. Here's a summary of what I've been up to...

Friday - 6/24/16

      On my day off, I elected to take the L-16 up on a local flight. I wanted to build more time in the "Warbug," for future warbird flying, and also build up my total-time towards my Commercial license. I invited my friend, and fellow museum volunteer, Don K. to tag along for the ride. He accepted, and we had a great time!

L-16 Flight Summary - 6/24/16
1.) Depart Geneseo (D52)
2.) Fly over my house in Avon
3.) Fly over Bedson's Land Base Airport (N. Avon)
4.) Fly along Conesus Lake and over Conesus Inlet
5.) Return & land @ D52

      The flight went smooth, and was fun all the way. Don was a great passenger, and a great help to me before/during/after the flight. Thanks again for going with me, buddy!

Saturday - 6/25/16

      On Saturday, I had agreed to assist my friends, Bob & Barb, with their "big move." Fellow museum members, and longtime volunteers, they are moving to a new location and needed help "purging" their aircraft/model-making magazine collection. They've lived nearby me for years now, operating their own small airfield (Bedson Land Base Airport, mentioned above.) I've helped upkeep this aerodrome for the last couple of years. Sad to see it "go," but glad that my friends are getting the home they need!

I am fortunate enough to have another friend, Pete, who was interested in a majority of the publications. We met around noon, and got a good amount cleared out. Thanks again, Pete! There is still a good amount remaining, so let me know if interested! (Air Classics, Sea Classics, Combat Aircraft mostly.)

Sunday - 6/26/16

      On this day, I planned to fly with a good friend (who shall remain anonymous!) up to Ledgedale Airport (Brockport, NY.) They hosted the EAA's Ford "Tri-Motor" this past week, and sold rides in it. I wanted to fly up in the L-16 just to see it for myself, so fly up we did.

L-16 Flight Summary - 6/26/16
1.) Depart Geneseo (D52)
2.) Arrive Ledgedale (7G0)

Sittin' pretty in Brockport

We were greeted by this beautiful N2S (Stearman)

      Much to my surprise, my "anonymous" passenger treated me to a flight in the co-pilot's seat of the Tri-Motor! Needless to say, I was shocked and very excited. What a generous thing to do! Of course, flying in the co-pilot's seat meant that I got to actually fly the thing. I introduced myself to the pilot as I entered the "throne," and pointed out my "steed" on the ramp, the L-16. He was interested in the bird, as he is restoring one himself! Knowing I was also a pilot, he agreed to let me handle the controls in flight, and even entered my flight time in my logbook (for good measure.)

      Flying the Tri-Motor is an awesome experience. The PIC relayed to me that it takes a lot of control input, even to keep her straight and level. He was correct, as I would soon learn! She's heavy on the controls, but a great flying machine nonetheless. My 1st .3 Hours of Multi-Engine time was a success!

Thanks for the pix, Steve!

My view from the co-pilot seat

Happy me!

      The flight was just awesome. I cannot thank my "anonymous" friend enough. Shortly after my flight, we headed home in the L-16 to D52.

L-16 Flight Summary - 6/26/16
3.) Depart Ledgedale (7G0)
4.) Arrive Geneseo (D52)

      What a weekend it was! As I mentioned, I am truly blessed to have such great people and opportunities in my life. Thank you, all! Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

FAA Instrument Rating Checkride = Super Double-Secret Date
6/24-6/26 Flight Time Logged = 2.5 Hrs
Total Flight Time = 228.4 Hrs
Total Flight Time to Commercial License = 21.6 Hrs

Sunday, June 19, 2016

A Father's Gift (& L-16 Stuff Too!)

Greetings, comrades! Happy Father's Day to all those dads, grand-dads, great-grand-dads, etc, out there. On this day, I wanted to reflect on my great man who got me into aviation in my first place.

My dad, Jeff Hancock, is not a pilot. For the one thing he is not, related to aviation, there are a million things he is. A WWII enthusiast, warbird fanatic, photographer, model-maker, artist, orator...the list goes on. My father grew up building plastic warplanes, taking photos at airshows, and reading countless books about "things with wings" (of WWII vintage in particular.) It only makes sense that his obsession would be passed on to me, his son.

As I've mentioned before on this blog, my dad was a volunteer at the National Warplane Museum for a few years before I was born. As a result, I made my 1st visit to the museum at only a few weeks old. From here, I was "hooked." I would continue to attend the museum with dad for years. Sitting in his baby-back carrier while he gave tours, or observing agape while he used my old (clean) cloth diapers to help polish the B-17G "Fuddy Duddy." As soon as I became old enough, I began to volunteer at the museum myself, and I still do today.

My 1st Visit!

Now, what my dad has done for me goes beyond just the museum. Dad gave me my life, not only physically, but spiritually as well. He gave me my purpose, flying. Every time I fly, my father is first in my mind. Flying the L-16, as I have, is the single-greatest honor I have achieved. I don't lie when I say that as an infant, touring the museum with dad, I'd see that L-16 and think "someday, I will fly that." I believed in myself, but dad has always believed in me even more. For this, I am forever thankful. Love ya, pop!

"In other news!" Yesterday, I flew the L-16 down to Perry-Warsaw (01G) for their "Wings & Wheels" fly-in. I took fellow museum volunteer Bob C. with me. We had a blast!

6/18/16 L-16 Flight Summary (D52>>>01G>>>D52)
1.) Depart D52 (Geneseo)
2.) Arrive 01G (Perry-Warsaw)
3.) Depart 01G (Perry-Warsaw)
4.) Arrive D52 (Geneseo)

Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

FAA Instrument Rating Checkride = Super Double-Secret Date
6/18 Flight Time Logged = 0.9 Hrs
Total Flight Time = 225.9 Hrs

Total Flight Time to Commercial License = 24.1 Hrs

Thursday, June 16, 2016


William Ernest Henley, 1849 - 1903

 Out of the night that covers me,   
  Black as the Pit from pole to pole,   
I thank whatever gods may be   
  For my unconquerable soul.   
In the fell clutch of circumstance 
  I have not winced nor cried aloud.   
Under the bludgeonings of chance   
  My head is bloody, but unbowed.   
Beyond this place of wrath and tears   
  Looms but the Horror of the shade, 
And yet the menace of the years   
  Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.   
It matters not how strait the gate,   
  How charged with punishments the scroll,   
I am the master of my fate:
  I am the captain of my soul.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Plane, Simple Flying

Hello all! Hope you've been well. It's "been a minute" since my last post, but rest assured this is because I have kept busy with aviation-related matters. I have been flying the L-16 a lot in the last 2 weeks, and loving every minute of it. Flying the "Grasshopper" serves a dual-purpose for me. For one, it's a great way to build my Total Flight Time towards my Commercial Pilot License. Second, the L-16 serves as a great platform for maintaining tailwheel and warbird proficiency, for when I one day "slip into" the Yak-3UA, P-51, Corsair, P-40, et al.

Since my Erie adventure, I've flown the L-16 four times. On Memorial Day, I took my younger-brother David up for a quick hop around the pattern, to whet his pallet. He loved it! Two days later, I took another after-work (I love doing this) flight with fellow museum volunteer "Super" Dave. He gets the nickname because, well, he fixes just about anything. On this flight, we flew over both of our houses, in Avon and Honeoye Falls (respectively.)

GREAT pics, Super Dave! Thanks...

Fellow museum volunteer Donald H. even managed to chase us down!

Fast-forward another two-days, and again I found myself flying the L-16. This time, I took along willing volunteer Peter B. A private pilot himself, Peter is a great volunteer who has a strong passion for flight, and warbirds. It was an honor to help get him back into the cockpit, he hopes to get re-current shortly!

The next day (Saturday), I attended the annual Rochester WINGS seminar. This is an event held which offers workshops/lectures for anyone who is a pilot, or interested in aviation. They can be attended for FAA WINGS credit, which helps pilots maintain currency and proficiency. The seminar was very interesting and educational, plus, the company wasn't too shabby either...

The gorgeous Socata TBM

 The evening after WINGS, I took another IFR practice flight with my CFI buddy Mike B. All went smoothly, and tho I withhold the details of my Checkride date for my (and your) sanity, rest assured it is coming up soon!

IFR Practice Flight Summary (6/4/16)
1.) Mock-Holding Pattern @ GEE VOR
2.) Procedure Turn for VOR-A Approach into Leroy 5G0
3.) Missed-Approach into Leroy 5G0
4.) Return to GEE VOR for Missed-Approach Procedure Holding Pattern

IFR Practice Flight Summary (6/4/16)
4.) Missed Approach Holding Patterns @ GEE VOR
5.) DME Arc @ 5NM from GEE VOR

To top the last two awesome weeks of flying off, yesterday, I got to fly with our great museum worker Dawn S. She is a dedicated, kind, caring person who loves to fly. It was a fun time! I am glad she felt comfortable with me.

L-16 Flight Summary (6/10/16)
1.) Depart Geneseo D52
2.) Arrive Honeoye Falls, flyover Dawn's house
3.) Fly over close friend's house
4.) Return to Geneseo D52

Thanks again for the help, Dawn!

I closed out the week of flying by once-again polishing the L-16 with Lemon Pledge, this time focusing on the windscreen. Worked like a "Champ." ;-) Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

FAA Instrument Rating Checkride = Super Double-Secret Date
5/30-6/10 Flight Time Logged = 4.6 Hrs
Total Flight Time = 223.5 Hrs
Total Flight Time to Commercial License = 26.5 Hrs