Saturday, March 19, 2016

Staying Sharp

Hello friends, followers, and family! I am dodging some late-winter-like weather currently, as I await a date for the flight portion of my Instrument Checkride. As recommended by the DPE (Pilot Examiner) Ken, I flew with one of my instructors, John D., today. This is to ensure that my Instrument Flying Skills are still up to par for the test-standards. I had not flown with a CFI since January, so this was a safe-measure to take.

Today, John and I began by going over a couple of "ground" topics, which I felt i could have done better on explaining during the oral portion of my checkride. I was surprised to find that my studying since last Friday's "errs" has already produced results! The topics John and I covered were met by confidence on my end. Vacuum systems, RCO/FSS comms, and VDPs (Visual Descent Points) were all topics of our conversation. 

Once we hammered out the ground-schooling, John and I saddled up in N904RA for a few instrument procedures. Initially, we had planned to go out to the Geneseo VOR (GEE) @ 4,000'. However, the weather was updated while we were in ground school, and clouds had lowered. So, we altered the plan to include an RNAV Approach @ KROC RWY 28, beginning @ 3,500'. We were to follow this by the ILS for RWY 28, full-stop. So, away we went...

KROC RWY 28 RNAV & RWY 28 ILS Approach Procedures
1.) Depart KROC enroute to FAULT intersection
2.) Arrive @ FAULT, turn 005 Degrees inbound to BILAW intersection
3.) Arrive @ BILAW intersection at-or-above 2,400', turn inbound on final approach course of 280 degrees.
4.) Initiate missed-approach procedure and "go-around."
5.) Receive ATC vectors for ILS RWY 28 approach
6.) Turn inbound to intercept localizer and final approach course (280 degrees) for RWY 28 ILS @ BILAW intersect
7.) Intercept glideslope @ SUUSA (@ 2,100') and maintain approach course.
8.) Landing minimums met = FULL STOP LANDING @ KROC

First up was the RNAV (GPS Based) approach for Runway 28. The approach starts at the "FAULT" intersection, as seen on the approach chart below and #2 on the plan above. As JD and I climbed, we noted that the clouds were even lower than recently stated, and continuing to diminish in altitude. We stayed at ~3,200' as we flew between points #1 and #2 above. 

KROC RWY 28 RNAV Approach Procedure
1.) Depart KROC enroute to FAULT intersection
2.) Arrive @ FAULT, turn 005 Degrees inbound to BILAW intersection
3.) Arrive @ BILAW intersection at-or-above 2,400', turn inbound on final approach course of 280 degrees.
4.) Intercept glideslope @ SUUSA (2,100') and maintain final approach course
5.) Initiate missed-approach procedure and "go-around."

After going "missed" on the RNAV, we requested vectors from ATC for the ILS RWY 28. They agreed, and we began receiving heading ("directions") to intercept the localizer/final approach course for the ILS RWY 28. 

KROC RWY 28 ILS Approach Procedure
1.) Receive ATC vectors for ILS RWY 28 approach
2.) Turn inbound to intercept localizer and final approach course (280 degrees) for RWY 28 ILS @ BILAW intersect
3.) Intercept glideslope @ SUUSA (@ 2,100') and maintain approach course.
4.) Landing minimums met = FULL STOP LANDING @ KROC

Upon landing and securing the plane, JD was confident in my abilities once again. We plan to fly once again to the Geneseo VOR (GEE) to do a partial-panel approach into Leroy (5G0) this Monday. After that, I will be cleared to finish my IFR Checkride! Stay tuned, and as always "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."

Remainder of FAA Instrument Rating Checkride = TBA, Likely This Week!
3/18 Flight Time Logged = 1.0 Hrs
Total Flight Time = 199.6 Hrs
Total Flight Time to Commercial License = 50.4 Hrs

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