Thursday, June 1, 2017

Looking Back, Moving Forward

Wow, it has "been a minute!" I hope that all of you; my friends, family, and followers, have been enjoying life and chasing your goals/dreams. When we last spoke, I told you about my status post-commercial license checkride. Since that time, the following things have "gone down."
  • I continue to send my resume and network to "beginner" commercial-pilot jobs. Survey work is a particular interest and opportunity to me, but most of their "seasons" start in Fall. So, I continue to press on. I have one possibility that just opened up to me this past week, thanks to a close friend and mentor. I will be having a follow-up call on that, this weekend.
  • In the last 2 weeks, I began studying for becoming a CFI, Certified Flight Instructor. First, I met with my own CFI, Sarah, who gave me great advice on getting started. From here, I must take 2 written, an oral, and flight exams. One of the written exams is the FOI, Fundamentals of Instructing, and it deals with all things teaching/learning/memory/etc. The other written deals with everything I have learned, knowledge-wise, from my Private Pilot training to now. This one is a bit trickier. To prep for the oral and flight portion of the test (which can be an all day affair, hours worth!), I will be developing my own lesson-plans, and also adapting to flying from the right-seat of the aircraft. The ability to get a "feel" for the aircraft and maneuvers from the "other side" usually take ~10 flight hours. I hope to start the flying shortly. Right now, I am focused on knocking-down the 2 written exams first.
  • Remember a while back, when I told you the story about my friend Chuck England? Well, if not, read this 1st! ( Chuck's Wife, Sandy, was in town for Memorial Day. Thanks to Austin Wadsworth, a huge pilot-mentor of mine, I got my annual L-16 proficiency check completed just in time to fly Sandy! The best part? She brought Chuck's ring with her. So, in a way, I finally got to fly with Chuck, as well.
Sandy & I, in the L-16

Ahh, that's the stuff...

Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."