Tuesday, April 11, 2017

What's Up?

Hey Family, Friends, and Followers!

It's been a while since we last "met," and I am sorry for that. Last time, I posted about the earning of my Commercial Pilot Certificate. In the time since that post, I have been making progress towards becoming a career, professional pilot. Without getting too detailed, I have a couple of potential opportunities that I am exploring/in touch with. Again, nothing official, just "testing the waters."

For the last month, I have been busying myself with the book Everything Explained for the Professional Pilot, by Richie Lengel. This book was recommended to me by my good pilot friend/mentor Jill W. The book is simply amazing, and full or literally everything a Professional Pilot needs to know (all in an easy-to-read format!) I've been making "flash cards" along the way, on key topics that I feel I can improve on. As they say, "a good pilot is always learning."

Also, in the last month, I have been going through all of my aviation collection. Many of these items have been featured on this blog in past postings, mostly in reference to Chuck England. My plan is to accession my entire collection, with the plans of having my own warbird/aviation outfit in the near future (Yak-3 & P-51B, anyone?) I am making really good progress here, and hope to be "squared away" soon with the project.

One more item that I feel I must address is my status with flying warbirds. As you may recall, last spring/summer I was quite frequently flying our museum's L-16A "Grasshopper." I love that airplane, and feel bad that I have not had a chance to get down to the museum to help maintain her this past winter. Given the uncertainty of my employment location this summer, I am unsure what I am going to do in regards to museum flying. Rest assured, I 100% want to fly this summer, but can I physically be here to do it? I shall know soon.

Beyond all this, life goes on as usual. I hope you've all been well! Until next time, "Keep 'Em Flying," and "Never, Never, Never Give Up."