Friday, March 10, 2017

Commercial Pilot

Hello Family, Friends, and Followers,

I know it has “been a minute” since my last flying-related update. As I mentioned in my earlier posts, I was taking some time to really focus on the Commercial rating. So, this included what I like to call “put up, or shut up!” Essentially, writing about my training has been a huge help along the way. However, it can get to a point where you are focusing just as much energy, time, attention towards writing and analyzing yourself as you are doing the flight training itself! That’s the “wall” that I came up against. So, the solution was to put everything else aside, and focus 100% on getting the CPL done.

Well, I am here to tell you fine folks that this indeed occurred. On March 5th, 2017, I earned my Commercial Pilot Certificate. Even to this very second, I am still somewhat in “shock” that I actually accomplished this goal. I have so many people to thank, and I don’t know where or how to begin. So, just know that if you are reading this, I thank you for your support.

In particular, I really want to name a few kind-souls who really had a hand in my Commercial Pilot training. My loyal instructor, Sarah DeForest, never gave up on me and my goals. I am very proud to be her first student, and her first Commercial Pilot “Pass.” Another loyal friend of mine, Mr. Nate Grifa, has helped me in countless ways along this journey. From helping me shovel out and push the Arrow on that frigid winter day (so I could fly towards this license), keeping the Arrow in tip-top shape maintenance-wise, and keeping me in tip-top shape motivationally, I cannot thank him enough. Jill Werth, an accomplished aviator, has helped be my mentor throughout my transition from Private to Commercial Pilot. Her advice and guidance along the path has been most helpful and welcomed.  My Mom (Mary Anne), Dad (Jeff), and Younger-Brother (David) have been a great support system for me as well, consoling me even after the most frustrating of training flights.

You are probably now wondering, “what’s next?” My goal right now is to read Everything Explained for the Professional Pilot, by Richie Lengel. This book, suggested to me by Jill, has “it all.” For my continued transition into flying professionally, starting off with reading, noting, and studying this book cover-to-cover is a must. I have another “what’s next?” item on my list as well, but will divulge that shortly (in the next few days, likely.) Stay tuned...

As always, until next time, “Keep ‘Em Flying,” and “Never, Never, Never Give Up.”